Sundays are often a day for reflection. Each week, we’re sharing an article, podcast, or video in the hopes that you will take time to engage with and reflect upon the message in that content. Check back every Sunday for something new!

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December 20, 2020

Athlete perspective on white privilege

Read the powerful perspectives of two white professional athletes on what white privilege means to them and why they won’t just “stick to sports.” Click below to read:

Privileged by Kyle Korver

We Can’t Just Stick to Football by Matt Stafford


December 13, 2020

White Privilege: A White Man’s Perspective

This week, we’re sharing an insightful article written by our co-founder Mike DeCandido: “White Privilege. Two words that when I used to hear them, I would cringe. My antenna would go up. My defensive mechanisms would move into action. What does it mean, and why do people believe that I have White Privilege?”

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December 6, 2020

TEDxCharlottesville: The Lie that Invented Racism, John Biewen

“To understand and eradicate racist thinking, start at the beginning. That's what journalist and documentarian John Biewen did, leading to a trove of surprising and thought-provoking information on the "origins" of race. He shares his findings, supplying answers to fundamental questions about racism -- and lays out an exemplary path for practicing effective allyship.”

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November 29, 2020

You’ve Been Called Out for a Microaggression. What Do You Do?

“It was a throwaway comment, and you were unaware that it was demeaning. But now that a colleague has brought the slight to your attention, you realize what you said was offensive. As a person who wants to be a good ally to your colleagues of color and members of underrepresented groups, how do you apologize after you’ve committed a microaggression?”

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November 26, 2020

How to Talk to Your Family About Racism on Thanksgiving

We’re sharing this week’s Sunday Study on Thursday because we think it’s an important read: How to Talk to Your Family About Racism at Thanksgiving. We wish everyone a safe, healthy, and thoughtful holiday.

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November 15, 2020

Our America: Living While Black

“Our America: Living While Black” is a five-part ABC Owned Television Stations docuseries that goes beyond the statistics to explore inequalities facing Black families across the country in institutions related to policing, health care, education and housing.

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November 8, 2020

A look at the past, present and future of civil rights in the Twin Cities

The murder of George Floyd was a wake-up call for many Americans, but already we’re seeing the support for the Black Lives Matter movement wane among white people. In this week’s Sunday Study, we revisit the efforts to make change in the Twin Cities and remind our CommonBondz community of the importance of active allyship.

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November 1, 2020

Black and African American Communities and Mental Health

From the article: “Overall, mental health conditions occur in Black and African American (B/AA) people in America at about the same or less frequency than in White Americans. However, the historical Black and African American experience in America has and continues to be characterized by trauma and violence more often than for their White counterparts and impacts emotional and mental health of both youth and adults.”

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October 25, 2020

The Students Left Behind by Remote Learning (ProPublica)

Has a desire to keep the coronavirus out of schools put children’s long-term well-being at stake? ProPublica digs into the issues facing mainly minority students - and digs into past education policies that explain how we got here.

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October 18, 2020

Cost of Racism: U.S. Economy Lost $16 Trillion Because Of Discrimination, Bank Says

Nationwide protests have cast a spotlight on racism and inequality in the United States. Now a major bank has put a price tag on how much the economy has lost as a result of discrimination against African Americans


October 11, 2020

Black Boys documentary

Executive produced by activist and two-time Super Bowl champion Malcolm Jenkins and written and directed by Sonia Lowman, BLACK BOYS is a documentary film that celebrates the full humanity of Black men and boys in America.

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October 4, 2020

BU Today interview with Men’s Basketball Coach and CommonBondz Board Member Joe Jones

From the article: “BU Today spoke with Jones about the killings and subsequent protests, the conversations he’s having with his players, and his hopes for the future. These are excerpts from that conversation.”

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September 27, 2020

Driving while Black: ABC News analysis of traffic stops reveals racial disparities in several US cities

An analysis of data collected by local police departments on millions of traffic stops over the last several years, conducted by ABC News in collaboration with ABC-owned stations, shows that Black drivers or pedestrians were more likely to be stopped by police than white drivers or pedestrians in several major U.S. cities, after accounting for the demographics of the cities and counties those police departments serve.

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September 20, 2020

CommonBondz co-founders interview with URL Radio

Apryll and Mike talk with URL Radio’s Stacy Sturm about the CommonBondz mission.

Coffee and Books

September 13, 2020

Coffee and Books podcast hosted by Marc Lamont Hill

Episode: Robin DiAngelo Talks "White Fragility," Her NYT Best-Selling Book


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