Our Team
Meet Our Founders
Mike DeCandido and Apryll Adams couldn’t be more different. Mike is a white man, born to a middle-class family, and the son of teachers. Mike followed the path that society laid out for him: college, family and a successful career in banking and finance that yielded him top positions and the reality of the American dream. He worked hard at the opportunities that were given to him.
Apryll, who is the same age as Mike, with the same education (both having Bachelor’s degrees in Business Administration) was born into poverty. Apryll’s parents were separated by the time she was three years old, and at that time, neither parent had a high school diploma. Apryll, unlike Mike, defied what society had laid out for her and embarked on a different reality as her parents. Society, and the systems that we live in, did not give Apryll the same starting point for opportunity as Mike. She needed to work harder for it. She also needed help.
As fate or destiny would have it, the two would meet and establish a paradox of sorts. The two became co-workers - and ultimately friends. Today they are business partners. The paradox is that a white man and a black woman would realize that they had things in common. CommonBondz.
Apryll started working for Fleet Credit Card services in the call center and was promoted to the Learning and Development Department. Mike was a part of the executive team and was the head of both departments. Mike had an impressive knack for knowing everyone’s name in his departments. Surprisingly, he also knew general information about them as well. Mike walked through the Training and Development department one day and asked Apryll what she was doing there, based on her recently posting for an open compliance department role. Apryll explained to Mike that she did apply for that position, but as African Americans realize all too often, racism in the form of a glass ceiling had denied her the opportunity to progress any further.
What happened next subsequently allowed Apryll to see for the first time that some white people actually believe in and are committed to equality. Mike had the position and power to change things, and he did. Mike told Apryll, “Give me a week.” A week later, Apryll was promoted to the Compliance department. Apryll used the opportunity given to her to establish a very successful career with Fleet and the US Government.
Mike realized as well that there is ingrained bias in the attitudes, systems, and programs that we as a nation have established. He also realized that he was in the position to address the bias and provide an opportunity for someone who was not afforded it by the system. Mike gave Apryll the opportunity and Apryll took advantage of the opportunity.
It’s time for those in power to help those who are not, so that we can equal the playing field of opportunity. Two people, who look totally different, have collaborated to reach a common goal. We seek to educate people of all walks of life on the biases that exist, and find heroes that will seek the truth, understand the times in which we live, and make a real difference for a more equitable and just world.
Apryll Adams
Apryll Adams grew up in poverty, the second oldest of 4 girls. Apryll realized early that she didn’t want to repeat the cycle of poverty. Setting goals was important in being proactive against unfavorable conditions. Thus, graduation from college was the most important goal for her. Apryll attended the historic Cheyney University, one of the first institutions of higher learning for African Americans. In 1990, Apryll received her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting.
Mike DeCandido
Mike DeCandido was born in the Bronx, NY and raised in the middle-class New York City suburb of Peekskill. The oldest child of two elementary school teachers, Mike was taught at an early age the importance of education as well as the value of having a diverse group of friends to learn from, and more importantly, care about. After graduating from high school, Mike attended SUNY Oswego in New York, where he obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration.
Our Creative Team
Marisa DeCandido
Marisa is a digital innovator and strategist who works to help her clients become dynamic digital trailblazers and online communicators. Originally from the suburbs of Philadelphia, Marisa graduated from Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications before beginning a career in local news. She was a news reporter and digital leader in newsrooms across the Midwest before transitioning to her current role as a client strategist. Marisa is also passionate about being an ally in the fight to create racial equity in America. She is honored to be a part of CommonBondz and help spread its message of education, empathy, and positive change.
Nina Scott
Nina is a producer, videographer, and storyteller who creates compelling original content that helps drive brand identity, marketing and new product campaigns. The Metro-Detroit native attended the University of Detroit Mercy where she played Division 1 soccer and received a B.A. in Communication Studies. Nina began her career as a local news reporter and anchor, covering communities across the Great Plains. She spent a total of five years in the television news industry, most recently at The Hill in Washington, D.C. Her move to advertising came when she took a producing position at Discovery, Inc., working on projects featuring NASA, Asics, and Eurosport before transitioning to her current role as Senior Producer for a Virginia-based advertising agency. Nina is honored to be a part of CommonBondz and help in its effort to achieve racial equality in the U.S.
Leigh Ortman
Leigh is a Jersey Shore native who studied advertising at Syracuse University and graphic design at the Shillington School of Graphic Design. She went on to pursue a career in advertising and currently works as a Group Art Supervisor at a renowned advertising agency in downtown Chicago. When it comes to design, Leigh tends to lean into aesthetics that are bold yet simple in their approach and strongly believes less is more. Her style incorporates a love of juxtaposing bold, rich colors into projects while maintaining designs that still feel clean and effortless. When Leigh's not designing, you can usually find her cheering on her favorite sports teams on the weekends or hunting for NYC style pizza in a city that prides itself on deep dish. If you want to work together with Leigh on your next creative venture feel free to send her a note at design@leighortman.com.